A Circle of Friends
This morning, RYNJ was blessed with the opportunity to host a group of children from Friendship Circle for a mini camp. Groups of Middle...

Chesed League Launches
Our RYNJ Middle School Chesed League teams were underway yesterday first their first event as the girls and boys teams created thoughtful...

If You Build It, They Will Come
What? The PTA needs a Sukkah for the Chol Ha'Moed RYNJ family carnival? Rabbi Kopstick's Halacha shiur to rescue! What a great way to...

Join the Chesed Team!
The RYNJ Middle School is proud to announce the formation of the Chesed Team in conjunction with the newly formed Chesed League of Bergen...

We Are All a Circle of Friends
Just some of the boys who came out on Sunday morning to participate in the Friendship Circle Walk. Between the boys and girls teams, the...