The Drive Is On!
This morning, we launched this year's Bergen County Chanukah Toy Drive. Thank you, Mrs. Joy Sklar, for your encouraging words in...

Bingo! Unity - You Got It!
For our annual Tent Event to celebrate Erev Shabbos Parshas Vayeira, we had to change the way we did this Hachnasas Orchim program. After...

Cutting It Close
When Areyvut contacts you for some last second chesed help, of course you jump right in! As 8B2 enjoyed their weekly Haftorah and...

Let Me Help You Stay in Your Lein
"I have a question about my leining." That's all it takes for boys of 8B to spring into action in this post-davening huddle.

Jumping to Help Hashem's Creation!
This was the scene - we walked outside for a mask break, and I noticed a baby rabbit limping across the grass. Within moments, with the...