Learning for the Hostages
For this week's Israel Awareness & Advocacy, 8B reporters sharing news of 7B students, Yechiel Gans and Gavriel Kravitz, organizing the...

Tehillim for the Hostages
Israel Awareness & Advocate group member, Asher Shapiro, gathering students to recite a perek of Tehillim for the release of every last...

Oh, How Fast They Grow
Ahead of our won MSB Kiddush Levana breakfast and T"U b'Shevat activity iy"H, 8B students joined the ECD to lead a special, engaging T"U...

Supporting Sharsheret
In an effort to support Sharsheret on Pink Day, students sold pink and white cookies to raise money for this pivotal organization. Due to...

Returning the Favor
The LSB hosted the MSB as part of the Reciprocity Event - returning the favor from the Tent Event earlier this year. The boys should be...